Tuesday, February 14, 2012

With love

It's Valentine's Day. I am not Valentine-y. Neither is Jonathan. This works well for us.

I think it would be weird if he did something uber romantic on Valentine's Day because, well, he does things for me that are really nice on random days throughout the year. So, if he did something on Valentine's Day, it just wouldn't feel authentic.

But now we have children and they celebrate Valentine's Day at school. We don't want to be the parents who don't let their kids celebrate, but... I think I would rather teach my children that when you love some one, it is important to show them that love throughout the year. Not just on February 14th.

And, as a mother of boys, I hope they will be the kind of gentlemen that treasure their loved ones year round. If their father has anything to do with it, I won't have to worry.

I would like to acknowledge that maybe if I did not have a great husband who made me feel loved (usually) throughout the year, then maybe, Valentine's Day would be a bigger deal.

But back to the dilemma... how do you instill the value of love without the commercialism. I don't have the answer this year. I will work on figuring it out.

In the mean time.... we are sending you all lots of love!

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