Monday, August 2, 2010

Let them eat Cake... Or Bread Pudding

So those of you who know me, know that I am not a fan of cake. I just don't like it and quite frankly I don't understand what the big deal is surrounding it. Jonathan does like cake BUT is such a cake snob that I have rarely seen him eat it. He thinks most cake is mediocre and not worth his time or the calories, with the exception of his mom's Red Velvet cake

This whole cake adversity is much to the chagrin of my parents who LOVE cake. Well, actually, my Dad loves cake, particularly chocolate (but he really just likes anything chocolate. Actually, he likes anything sweet). My mom, on the other hand, I am not sure about. I can't really remember the last time I saw her eat cake. In fact, I can't recall her really making over cake or ever really eating it (not to say she hasn't, or doesn't - I just can't recall it). I think the cake is an image thing for her. Certain occasions just call for cake. Right?

Well, no, not in our house. So EVERY major event in my life where dessert has been involved has been an issue. Them wanting the cake and me, not so much. We all remember the wedding, right? When I told them, there would be dessert but not in the form of cake, my dad told us it was a slap in the face of our guests. (Jonathan and I still make jokes using that line).

Not liking the cake, I totally didn't (and still don't) get that one. I mean, no alcohol at a wedding, that's an issue. No food, big issue. But as long as there is dessert, eh. But I digress...

I won't run down the litany of events (baby showers, christening, etc) where we have been asked whether we were going to have cake and the "discussions" that have ensued. I am sure you either can recall them or can make the mental leap.

So now, I have begun to think about MRA's 1st birthday. Of course we will have cake because I don't know if he likes it or not. And if he does become a cake eater, he can have cake (there is no secret agenda against cake.) I finally have an event where not only am I gonna have cake BUT the cake will be the splurge and its fun to think about the design, color, style, etc.

Naturally, I excitedly call the parental unit to discuss, thinking they are gonna be all about this conversation. Aaaannnd, nada. I tell my mom about my cake idea and she CHANGED THE SUBJECT. Are you kidding me, she did not even ask what flavor! Just, "oh, ah huh, sounds good. Did I tell you that we are going to Raleigh tomorrow on our way home?"

What the fuck? Maybe MRA will have a little cake and we'll have bread pudding.  How do you like them fondant apples?


  1. I dunno. I've never given cake that much thought, with the exception of a couple cakes I love. We'll have cake for our birthdays, but nothing special. I think you should make Jonathan's mom's red velvet cake so you know at least one of you will love it.

  2. Funny you should say that. I was thinking of a Radio Flyer theme thing. So the red velvet cake fits perfectly. There shouldn't be so much drama around cake. Now if it were Krispee Kreme, I would understand :)!

  3. I had a pretty good corn bread that was like a hybrid of cake and pudding... Whatever it was it was magically delicious. I'm more of a apple pie guy cobbler to be specific... I think MRA will follow my lead so you should just go with the cobbler.

  4. I, too, love the pie. Piiiiieeeeee! The cobbler would definitely be appropriately seasonal.

  5. OMG Aimee you are a FUNNY mom. I can't recall ever laughing before at a blog entry about cake. ;) It's so "you" too to be all subtle, PC humor and then close with "WTF!"
