Friday, January 24, 2014

And I Ran, I Ran So Far Awaaayy

I ran a half marathon last weekend. All 13.1 ridiculous miles. My first. Likely not my last. It's my sister-in-laws fault. She had signed up to walk it with some friends and caught me during my post Life's A Beach Triathlon (the Triathlon for Slackers) high.

The half marathon was in Charleston and they advertised shrimp and grits and beer at the end. How could I refuse the opportunity to be back in my city, see some family, and have a great excuse to eat food I love somewhat guilt free?

So I committed. The persuaded Jonathan to commit. And then, my brother committed. I must admit that looking at the 13.1 mile route on the map was daunting but we all began training.

Last Saturday was the big day. The Notorious MRA and ASA both had the flu and the forecast for the event was a sunny 37 degrees. But we persisted. And I bought some "cold gear" to run in.

On the drive up, MRA vomited all over Chik-fil-A and the forecast changed to include WIND! We decided if it rained we were throwing in the towel and sleeping in. We finally made it to South Carolina, dropped the boys off with my parents and were relieved to finally be in a car without incessant hacking coming from the back seat.

My runner friends all insisted that 37 degrees was PERFECT marathon weather but if you know me, I am a cold weather wimp. I turn mean and angry and I say things to people I love that are rude and ugly. I hate to be cold.

Long story short, I did it! We all did it. Chad clocked the winds at 19 mph around mile 10 which is about were my knee gave out (and my headphones died) but we finished. And we finished within our goals. Jonathan was super fast (although he doesn't think so) and my brother and I finished in stride, crossing the finish line together. Robin also finished with a great time.

I could not have crawled another mile.

My mother-in-law asked if I was going to get one of those 13.1 stickers for my car and all I could say was, "NO! I am more proud of 37*F. I'll take one of those stickers.

I loved finishing with my brother and hopefully we will all do it again next year and I learned that I can run in the cold but I can absolutely do without the wind.

And next year I need to add a little Flock of Seagulls (I Ran) to my play list.

And here are the stats so I don't forget them: Charleston Half Marathon Stats

Thursday, January 9, 2014

It's a heartbreaker.

As an adult, when I think of a broken heart, I think of some lost love. Maybe even puppy love. I know there are lots of uses for the phrase "...breaking my heart."

Here are a couple of ways that the Notorious MRA has been using the phrase lately:

"Mama, I don't wanna eat that. Eating                breaks my heart."

"Mama, when we have to come inside, it breaks my heart. My heart just feels so so sad."


"Mama, when you make me go to my room, it breaks my heart. It really breaks it, Mama." (To which I would like to respond, "Oh yeah? Well, it breaks my heart when you sucker punch your two year old brother because he walked by you. That breaks my heart, buddy."

On a positive note, although I am unsure where he picked up the phrase, I am glad he is applying it some what correctly.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This is really a post so all my friends and family north of us who are enduring temperatures below 10 degrees F. can laugh but....

Yesterday, I received an email from the kids school reminding us that it would be very very cold and we needed to bundle our children up so that they can still have their outside playtime.

And true to the weatherman's word, the arctic blast has reached us. It was 37 degrees when I got out of my car to walk into work.

Sadly, we are not bundle-ready. This is the best I could do:
He was pretty excited about the mittens but not very happy about adding a jacket over the ensemble. Can't say I blame him.
I, however, got to wear my furry, leopard print hat. That makes me happy!
Stay warm everyone!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

My husband just unexpectedly became a guest blogger and provided the content for the first blog of 2014.

I just received the following email from him. I think this may give me high hopes of the year to come!

"MRA and ASA had their squabbles this AM as usual. Being that I’m still recovering from the sleep deprivation from the past week, I tell both of them to go to their rooms. They both do while I’m finishing getting ready. When I go up to get them, I open MRA’s door 1st, and not only is he playing quietly, but he’s also both gotten himself dressed and cleaned-up his room (which he quickly told me about). It was one of the more proud moments that I’ve had of him."

Wishing you all much hope in 2014!