Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Past Performance Does Not Indicate Future Returns

Last weekend, we discovered that we needed 4 new tires. Now, tires, are one of my least favorite thing to buy. There is very little gratification in spending $800 on tires. You don't feel better, you don't look better, and you don't really have anything new but... its a safety thing, I know... so off we went to buy tires.

Actually, we got to the mall and Jonathan headed off to buy tires and I headed off to use my "free panty" card from Victoria's Secret!!! Now this is MRA's first trip to VS and he lived up to his nick name - he was notorious. After discovering that the free panty no longer inlcudes the style I prefer, I decided to check out the sale bins.

It was about this time that MRA decided he wanted to be picked up and began to scream sing. So I begrudgingly pick him up and continue my browsing. If I was interested in anything, I threw it on my shoulder as I could not hold on to my hopeful purchases and hold MRA. After a few minutes, MRA began screaming singing again.

It was then that I noticed he had two fistfuls of the panties previously on my shoulder and was waving them enthusiastically in the air above his head and making a noise that sounded like squeeeeeeeeeeling breaks. And when I tried to take back the said panties, he stuck them in his mouth and began to suck on them.

That's when the lady next to me looks at MRA and says, "Aaawww, you are so cute. I could just take you home with me!" And, all I could think of was, Baby Morgan, in 20 years, this same behavior WILL NOT illicit the same response!

That's when Daddy showed up and took over stroller duty.  MRA got back in his stroller with a look like this is just how I roll.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Swwwwinggggg, batta batta batta swwwinggg

Question: How do a set of new parents attend a baseball game with a 6 month old and not only get to talk to people but also see some of the game AND enjoy a cold drafty one?

Answer: Dress your baby in the hometown team outfit and make sure his socks look like little sneakers! Then watch your friends and colleagues line up for a chance to hold the baby!

Rays win 3-2!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Born With a Silver Spoon... or is it rattle?

Happy Friday everyone! I am a little sad to report that not much interesting has happened this week to write about. But maybe life is sometimes better that way. It certainly is the way most weeks go - its called a routine for a reason, right?

Well, as we went about our morning routine this morning, I was able to capture some video.

This is what mornings are like. Now evenings, are a whole nother story but the mornings... ah the sweet, sweet mornings. Makes me want to play a little hookey. The action is in the second clip!

Happy rasberries to everyone!

PS - Sorry about the strange angle and I had a better video but the file was too big.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A boy and his dog!

Some may say that there is no love that is greater than that between a mother and her child. And I can say that love is pretty strong but the love between a boy and his dog is pretty great too, even at only 6 months of age.

Last night the Notorious MRA was a little crankypants due to no naps. He fussed and fussed and fussed. Until we sat him on the sofa with Cooper. MRA, much to our surprise, reached out and wrapped his chubby little arms around Cooper and gave him a giant hug. He continued to play with him and giggled and giggled.

Of course, in typical infant fashion, he also tried to eat Cooper's nose and leg which makes us think that MRA thinks he is a HUGE stuffed toy that moves and licks him. Who knows what really goes on in the mind of a baby. Nevertheless, it was super sweet and we have few photos to prove it.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Got Milk?

My days of nursing have come to an end. Nursing was the hardest thing I have ever started and, now, the hardest thing for me to quit. I officially stopped nursing on Sunday and every day since has been a struggle. Deciding to stop nursing when you still have milk is not as easy as popping a bottle in your baby's mouth.

For one, your body does not yet know to stop the production so it keeps on the keeping on and the milk does not have anywhere to go. So the boobs fill up and sit and it hurts and then they get hard and it hurts a lot more. And then the milk ducts clogg and they get lumpy and you want to cry because now you have HUGE, hard, square boobs that hurt.

I have searched for ways to make this easier, faster, less painful and the only thing that supposedly helps with the discomfort is cabbage.

Yeah, you don't eat the cabbage - you put it in your bra. I don't know about you, but I have never been a fan of cabbage - the eating it that is. Verdict is still out on the cabbage bra but I doubt Victoria's Secret will be jumping on this idea.

And, I miss my morning time with the Notorious MRA. So, on top of the discomfort there is the sadness. On top of which you can add in a good 'ole dose of guilt because you know you could still be giving him the "good stuff" but instead you just mix some formula. Then on the morning of day 4 (today) you think you are going to break. You think, I'll just nurse him a little.

Which is when dear hubby steps in and talks you off the ledge. AAahhhh, I never would have thought there would be so much involved with the quiting. Milk, milk go away!

PS: I should probably add in here that the time in between the difficult start and now has been AMAZING. The Notorious MRA and I have shared some really special moments. If I had to do it over, I wouldn't change a thing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Six months is one half of a year!

The Notorious MRA is 6 months old!!!!!! I just cannot believe it. It seems like just yesterday he was born. In celebration of his 6 month birthday, we dressed him up in some big boy clothes and took lots of pictures.

We also gave him a very cool (or so we thought) hammer that lights up and makes sounds when you bang it against anything. Turns out, he likes banging on things but just not with his hammer.

We have also been trying out all sorts of new foods. What have we learned? Orange food = GOOOOOOOOD! Green Food = BAAAAAD. That's right, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots are awesome but try to sneak a little green bean or some peas on the spoon and what we get is a scrunched up horrible face and a gag reflex that is both humorous and worrisome at the same time. Who woulda thunk that MRA would have such discriminating taste and definitive opinions on food... but then again, he was born into a foodie family.

Fruit is good too. Pears, peaches and bananas (if appropriately ripe). Avocados are a no go (its the green thing, I guess). Applesauce was also not a favorite but I can't really blame him. You have to give him credit, he tries to taste just about everything!

At his 6 month visit to the pediatrician, Dr. Featherman confirmed that he is PERFECT. MRA weighed in at 17 pounds and 15 ounces and he is 26.5 inches tall. I am not sure I believe it - he seems taller but I have not had a chance to remeasure him. His favorite activity right now is sitting and laughing at Cooper. He sits for increasingly long periods of time. And blowing raspberries tops the fun list too. Put on a little Coltrane and watch the spit fly!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Colored Mashed Potatos; These Are the Chapters of My Life

Several years ago, Jonathan and I went to a hot, new, trendy restaurant as we typically did on most weekends. I don't remember the name but what I do remember is the purple mashed potatoes. They were made with Peruvian potatoes and had the perfect amount of butter and garlic. They were amazing and I like purple - they were fun.

Purple is a rather unexpected color to see on your plate - but they presented well and the foodie side of me appreciated that. Part of the dinner conversation revolved around said mashed potatoes: what a unique color, where in Peru did they come from? Could we get them locally? Had we just been missing them this whole time in the produce aisle? And if we did find them would we really prepare them... probably not. It is much better to go out and get them! They were delicious.

Fast forward several years. I get a phone call from Jonathan recently at work:

Me: How did the Notorious MRA do this morning?

J: Uuummmm, not bad. But we had a two-person poo this morning.

Me: That sucks.

J: Yeah, uh, it was pretty bad. And it was the worst smelling poop yet. And it was the consistency of mashed potatoes and green. Green mashed potatoes.

Me: Eeeeewww. I think the consistency and smell changes when he starts solids so this is probably normal but gross.

J: I have never seen anything like it. It was a sideways poo and an up the back poo and I was trying to clean it up and he just reached down and grabbed his balls in the middle of it. With green mashed potatoes.

Me (trying not to fall off my chair from laughing): Really? I think it is fairly normal but gross.

J: I'm telling ya, you are gonna see the green mashed potatoes. Its bad. Real bad.

Hmmm, I wonder what color the mashed potatoes will be in the next chapter of my life. Any predictions?