Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Not So Notorious With A Big Pink Heart On!


Last Valentine's Day, my mother-in-law (who is the world's best mother-in-law and I am not just sayin it because she reads this blog but the fact that she reads it says something, no?), sent MRA a gift that included some Valentine pajamas replete with little pastel hearts all over them. At the time, they were too big, we sort of chuckled at them and put them away.

Last week, I rediscovered them and realized that 1.) they now fit MRA and 2.) he is in need of some pajamas. Jonathan and I discussed whether or not they were too feminine and decided, heh, they're pjs, who is going to see them and by the way, they look really comfy.

So, while I was away at training for work, Jonathan dressed MRA in said pjs. Currently, MRA likes to sleep on all fours with his little bum stuck up in the air, which is all kinds of cute in person. That night, MRA assumed the position.

Now, these pjs, once on, are not just a little girly - they are "get your ass kicked on the playground" girly AND what an exceptional target if you have to have your ass kicked.

So, my creative friends, do you have a creative caption for this photo? I would love to see what you come up with. Just chose the comment link below and type your idea. I am looking forward to reading your captions!

PS - Please don't be offended Grandma Polly - WE LOVE YOU!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Finally, a use for Cooper!

Last week, my sister-in-law, Robin, had to say farewell, to one of her dogs, Grant. I never knew Grant as a puppy but as an older dog, he was as sweet as could be. I know how hard it was for her to lose him. So, in an act of complete selflessness, Jonathan and I offered to give her Cooper. We really tried to sell her on the idea and offered the following description:

"He has some special skills - he likes to weed (dig up house plants) and keep the floors free of all new material (we really did not need that thing you put under the rug to keep it from sliding around - it works much better when it is in pieces). He is also an exceptional greeter for the neighborhood (bolts out the front door and down the street at any given time but especially to see another dog or person). AND, if you need to shred paper towels, he is a pro. Just let us know. He may even come with a small endowment."

Well, its a good thing she did not take us up on the offer as we have just discovered how helpful he can be with MRA. Just watch and see...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Seven month photos

I started to just try and capture one good image of the Notorious MRA in our monthly photo with the blocks but I found the succession of photos so much more telling...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wish I may, Wish I might

Morgan, Morgan,

I have so many wishes for you. I hope that your father and I do an extraordinary job raising you. I  hope that you grow up strong and healthy.

I hope that you grow up self-confident and tolerant and open-minded.

I hope that you love travel and experiencing new cultures and art and music and sports.

I wish you success in all you undertake but I hope that you balance ambition with being able to relax and  enjoy what life offers you as well.

I think if you pick the best traits from both of us, you have a good chance. Some may look at the picture below and think you already have the relaxing part down pat!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sometimes it goes on and on and on like this for days...

This week has been incredibly busy so, unfortunately, I have no good posts. I am aware that I need to post a new 7 month photo. I hope to get it this weekend.

7 months!!! Can you believe?

Oh, and today is National Doughnut Day. Krispee Kreme is giving away free glazed goodies. If there were one closer than 50 miles to my house, I would be there saying, "To hell with my trainer and his constant nagging for more cardio!" But those of you who know me and the rest of the Angel JAM family know how WE feel about Krispee Kreme!!

Happy National Doughnut Day!