Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WordYYYYYY Wednesday

So, I owe you a story... or, five. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up with this more better going forward.

The background is that MRA is in the WHY stage? I have been told that this stage is not really an attempt to drive us to the loony bin but rather an attempt by little ones to bring understanding to their world. It seems, so the experts say, that preschoolers are really just trying to figure things out and need concrete examples.

I think they are wrong. I think they want to see how many WHYs it takes before we parents lose it completely, but that's just my theory.

Recently, in the interest of time, I put the Notorious MRA in the shower with me. Afterward, he was attempting to put his underwear on and was failing. He had it on, but backwards.

Here is how the conversation went down:

Me: He bud, your underwear is on backwards (as I am tugging it off him)

MRA: Why?

Me: Because you put it on backward?

MRA: Why its on backwards?

Me: Well, see you have a secret pocket. It goes in the front.

MRA: I put acorns there? (Note: He's been into collecting acorns in his pants pockets lately.)

Me: No, not acorns. Its where your penis goes.

MRA: Why my penis goes there?

Me: I don't know how it works exactly. I don't have one. You'll have to ask Daddy.

MRA, determined to find his answer or make his Daddy slack jawed, walks up to my wonderful, awesome, husband and says. "Daddy, how my peanuts go in the secret pocket?"

I heard him repeat the question several times. By the time I got there, Jonathan's mouth was hanging and all he could do was stutter to me, "Is he... does he mean... Is he talking about...?"

Happy Hump Day!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

I am so bummed. I have the best photo to upload for Wordless Wednesday and for some reason, I cannot access it. I have been trying  for two days.

Don't give up on me, I'll keep trying.

And, just to keep you interested, I also have the best story to share. It involves special pockets and penis peanuts.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wordless Wednesday on Thursday

This holiday-in the-middle-of-the-week thing is totally messing with me. While I loved Christmas and New Year's celebrations. I am also thankful and VERY ready to get back into a regular routine. My family does so much better regularity.

Here is your Wordless Wednesday, on Thursday (for the second week straight), and just to mix it up, this Thursday's edition of Wordless Wednesday comes with... alll these WORDS!