Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 19 Belly

Its week 19 and I managed to get a belly shot from Jonathan before running out the door. Again, not the best and the printed dress (by Weston Wear, who I LOVE) probably did not help... or maybe it did. My perspective is too skewed to tell anymore.

Anyway, during my last doctor visit, the doctor said my belly measurement was perfect so, I'm goin' with that.

Aaaaaannnnd, last week during the ultrasound, the tech said that Wackadoodle was 8 ounces. He actually did not call out baby Wackadoodle but that what we call HIM!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I think I am too Old to be a Groupie

Jonathan and I have tickets to see Harry Connick Jr next week and I am very excited. I love Harry.

When Jonathan and I first started dating, HCJr was booked to play at Chastain Park in Atlanta. Chastain Park is a wonderful outdoor venue with built in tables and you can bring a picnic and wine. Jonathan put together a great picnic and we were seated next to some really fun people. It was starting out as very romantic until a few songs into the concert, the skies opened up and it poured down raining.

We made up for it a few years ago at JazzFest! We caught not only HCJr's set but also an impromptu session in one of the tents with Wynton Marsalis and Trombone Shorty. We have been Trombone Shorty fans ever since!

 Now this time around, we are headed backstage. My mom is friends with HCJr's dad and he managed to get us passes. While this is all unbelievably thrilling, it has also created a little panic for me.

What on earth am I going to wear? I will be 5 months pregnant. Seriously need some help in the going out while pregnant clothing department.

Also, what does one in their late 30s and 5 months pregnant do backstage?

Advice is welcomed!

Monday, March 28, 2011

It's A.....

Another boy! And everything is in the right place and he looks healthy!

So you may have guessed, we had our big ultrasound last Friday afternoon. Almost everyone who offered a prediction on this baby's gender thought it would be a girl. I don't know why except that since MRA is a boy maybe they just wanted us to have a girl.

Everyone also assumes that I want a girl. Which was not necessarily true. Having a girl was pretty intimidating and seemed like a lot more work. After all, we are already set up for another boy.

I don't know if I just jumped on the bandwagon or what, but I thought this baby was going to be a girl and so did Jonathan. But then... the ultrasound, and the unmistakable anatomy. I saw it and knew immediately.

I couldn't be happier or more excited. MRA gets a little bro to play with and I get to be surrounded by all my sweet boys!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 17 Day 4

So getting a baby bump photo is pretty hard to do.

I should clarify, getting a baby bump photo that I can accept for posting on this blog is hard to do, especially when the photographer is my husband who has less patience than MRA.

I am seriously considering phoning a friend to take the picture if I am going to continue this trend. At this point, I promise nothing.

But here it is - the bump at 17 and half weeks. Its true, at least with me, that you "show" quicker the second time around. The good news is, I am no longer in "the in between" and clearly in the, "She has to be pregnant realm".

Not completely in maternity wear but heading that direction very quickly.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A great consolation video

I have been trying to post a belly shot of my growing bump. I was going to post the shot last Thursday, which was the official start of week 16. This is no small thing for me (no pun intended.) I am not a big fan of pictures of myself and I am certainly no fan of a series of pictures in which I get successively larger. BUT people keep telling me that I will be glad I did it later so, well, I hope they are right.

Also, friends and family have inquiring minds and want to see the bump. I can't say I really blame them. When I have been on the other side of the coin, I have loved seeing my friends baby bellies.

So Thursday rolled around and I was in a hurry to get out the door. I shoved the camera at Jonathan, pulled up my shirt and told him to take a picture of the belly. It was not my finest photo and I deleted it pretty quickly.

We tried again on Saturday but to no avail. Then, I came down with a cold. In a nut shell, I will start the baby bump photos with week 17 (hopefully.)

In the meantime, here is some sideways video of the Notorious MRA aka the Shoe-man. Seriously, I don't know where he gets his penchant for shoes... but I am not complaining!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Baby wants a Rolex

The Notorious MRA has really taken to the sign language thing. He knows a gaggle of words/signs and continues to pick up new ones every week. Of course, he sometimes puts his own spin on the signs which we don't really worry about as long as we understand what he is trying to communicate. He speaks some words too but he has been able to communicate with us for a long time using sign language.

In recent weeks, his class has been learning the signs for different shapes including the sign for diamond. Apparently, there are two different signs for diamond - one for diamond, the shape, and one, for diamond the gem. As it turns out, MRA was only taught the sign for the latter.

The sign is something like pointing to your ring finger, which makes sense as that is where one would most often see a diamond and the toddlers are too young to distinguish between shapes and gems.

The other day while reviewing signs with him we asked MRA how to say diamond. He smiled and pointed to his wrist, to which his Daddy smiled, looked at me, and said, "That must be the sign for Rolex!"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Its the in-between that drives me nuts

I am not necessarily the most decisive person on the planet but I can say that I don't like the no-man's land in between. In between what, does not really matter. I don't like the being in between destinations or in between vacations, or in between a decision.

So here I sit, nearly 15 weeks pregnant and although I feel pretty darn well health wise, I feel pretty darn in between - not quite looking pregnant but not looking like myself either, just looking... in between, which translates to chunky.

pregnancy cartoon

I know that when you are pregnant, you are supposed to gain weight. That doesn't make it easy for me to necessarily accept nor does it make me feel attractive at this stage. Because, you see, the weight doesn't seem to stay only in the belly region for me. For me, the weight seems to go EVERYWHERE. I also know that this is probably more of my own perception of the distribution but, hey, its the way I feel.

I know in a another month or so, when I actually look pregnant, this won't bother me as much.But right now, its the in-between stage. My regular clothes don't fit and maternity clothes are too big. And this in-between business, well, I can leave it. Bring on the baby bump.