Sunday, June 20, 2010

Finally, a use for Cooper!

Last week, my sister-in-law, Robin, had to say farewell, to one of her dogs, Grant. I never knew Grant as a puppy but as an older dog, he was as sweet as could be. I know how hard it was for her to lose him. So, in an act of complete selflessness, Jonathan and I offered to give her Cooper. We really tried to sell her on the idea and offered the following description:

"He has some special skills - he likes to weed (dig up house plants) and keep the floors free of all new material (we really did not need that thing you put under the rug to keep it from sliding around - it works much better when it is in pieces). He is also an exceptional greeter for the neighborhood (bolts out the front door and down the street at any given time but especially to see another dog or person). AND, if you need to shred paper towels, he is a pro. Just let us know. He may even come with a small endowment."

Well, its a good thing she did not take us up on the offer as we have just discovered how helpful he can be with MRA. Just watch and see...