Monday, June 7, 2010

Wish I may, Wish I might

Morgan, Morgan,

I have so many wishes for you. I hope that your father and I do an extraordinary job raising you. I  hope that you grow up strong and healthy.

I hope that you grow up self-confident and tolerant and open-minded.

I hope that you love travel and experiencing new cultures and art and music and sports.

I wish you success in all you undertake but I hope that you balance ambition with being able to relax and  enjoy what life offers you as well.

I think if you pick the best traits from both of us, you have a good chance. Some may look at the picture below and think you already have the relaxing part down pat!


  1. Hmmm.... Start my day with some cereal get the unit to take me on a nice stroll by the Bay.... Maybe give Cooper a couple tail pulls then take a little afternoon nap. WHERE'S MY SOPHIE! bring me pancakes!

  2. Sounds about right except the napping part. He likes to fight the nap these days. Maybe I'll tell him Sophie ate the pancakes!
