The Notorious MRA is 6 months old!!!!!! I just cannot believe it. It seems like just yesterday he was born. In celebration of his 6 month birthday, we dressed him up in some big boy clothes and took lots of pictures.
We also gave him a very cool (or so we thought) hammer that lights up and makes sounds when you bang it against anything. Turns out, he likes banging on things but just not with his hammer.
We also gave him a very cool (or so we thought) hammer that lights up and makes sounds when you bang it against anything. Turns out, he likes banging on things but just not with his hammer.
We have also been trying out all sorts of new foods. What have we learned? Orange food = GOOOOOOOOD! Green Food = BAAAAAD. That's right, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots are awesome but try to sneak a little green bean or some peas on the spoon and what we get is a scrunched up horrible face and a gag reflex that is both humorous and worrisome at the same time. Who woulda thunk that MRA would have such discriminating taste and definitive opinions on food... but then again, he was born into a foodie family.
Fruit is good too. Pears, peaches and bananas (if appropriately ripe). Avocados are a no go (its the green thing, I guess). Applesauce was also not a favorite but I can't really blame him. You have to give him credit, he tries to taste just about everything!
At his 6 month visit to the pediatrician, Dr. Featherman confirmed that he is PERFECT. MRA weighed in at 17 pounds and 15 ounces and he is 26.5 inches tall. I am not sure I believe it - he seems taller but I have not had a chance to remeasure him. His favorite activity right now is sitting and laughing at Cooper. He sits for increasingly long periods of time. And blowing raspberries tops the fun list too. Put on a little Coltrane and watch the spit fly!
Jack loved watching and hearing Morgan! He was VERY interested! :-)