Thursday, May 6, 2010

Got Milk?

My days of nursing have come to an end. Nursing was the hardest thing I have ever started and, now, the hardest thing for me to quit. I officially stopped nursing on Sunday and every day since has been a struggle. Deciding to stop nursing when you still have milk is not as easy as popping a bottle in your baby's mouth.

For one, your body does not yet know to stop the production so it keeps on the keeping on and the milk does not have anywhere to go. So the boobs fill up and sit and it hurts and then they get hard and it hurts a lot more. And then the milk ducts clogg and they get lumpy and you want to cry because now you have HUGE, hard, square boobs that hurt.

I have searched for ways to make this easier, faster, less painful and the only thing that supposedly helps with the discomfort is cabbage.

Yeah, you don't eat the cabbage - you put it in your bra. I don't know about you, but I have never been a fan of cabbage - the eating it that is. Verdict is still out on the cabbage bra but I doubt Victoria's Secret will be jumping on this idea.

And, I miss my morning time with the Notorious MRA. So, on top of the discomfort there is the sadness. On top of which you can add in a good 'ole dose of guilt because you know you could still be giving him the "good stuff" but instead you just mix some formula. Then on the morning of day 4 (today) you think you are going to break. You think, I'll just nurse him a little.

Which is when dear hubby steps in and talks you off the ledge. AAahhhh, I never would have thought there would be so much involved with the quiting. Milk, milk go away!

PS: I should probably add in here that the time in between the difficult start and now has been AMAZING. The Notorious MRA and I have shared some really special moments. If I had to do it over, I wouldn't change a thing.

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