Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Birthday to the Notorious MRA

MRA turned three recently. It seems like just yesterday we were waiting for him to decide to join us on this side of the womb world. And now, he is three!!!!!

He is slightly obsessed with Micky Mouse and Donald Duck and the rest of the gang. The other day he asked about a bow tie. He wanted one. Mickey wears one, I noticed. I quickly ran upstairs to get the clip on bow tie from last year's easter outfit.

MRA loved it. He wanted me to clip it into his hair. It seems that is where Minnie and Daisy wear their bowties.

So with this fascination in mind and inlieu of a birthday party, we asked that God have mercy on our souls (and feet)  and went to Disney.

Pictures coming soon.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Show and tell and do your do

Now that MRA is in his big boy pre-school class, he gets to bring something for "Show and Tell" every Wednesday. The rules are it has to fit into their back packs and nothing pointy or weapon related.
I remember how exciting "Show and Tell" was as a child. Although I also remember it being a little stressful when I did not have anything worthy of showing or telling about.

Last Wednesday I get a text mid morning from my husband asking me to guess what MRA brought to school. We had talked about him bringing one of his new birthday presents so that was my guess, naturally. But, no, not my kiddo. He didn't bring one of the new matchbox cars that Aunt Robin gave him, he didn't bring the way cool saxophone that we gave him, or the Mickey Mouse that Nanna and Babba gave him.

What did he bring, you ask?

The blow dry hair (My hair dryer). Yep, its not a weapon and it fit into his backpack (and he is obsessed with small appliances).

I thought, what in the world is he going to tell everyone about the blow dry hair and what does the school think of this? I really couldn't help myself, I called the school. Ironically, the school thought that I would be upset? (Which I was not.) The director and I had a good laugh about it and I finally asked her if she knew what he told his friends about the blow dry hair. She didn't but put me on hold to go find out.

When she came back, she said (trying very hard to be serious but having a hard time hiding the humour) that MRA did a really good job and told everyone that after he takes a shower, his Mama dries his hair with it. Of course he wanted to plug it in and show everyone but the teachers didn't go for that.

So, I guess after everyone shares, the kids get to play with their items which is what was happening when the director ran down to get the scoop for me. MRA had "plugged" the blow dry hair into the window of the dollhouse and was drying three or four of his friend's hair.

The teachers, apparently, had a lot of fun with it. They said they thoguht he was going to pull out some little pink hair dryer toy from his back pack - not his Mamas 1700 watt Conair.

My husband and I can only shake our head and laugh. Sounds pretty much like the Notorious MRA to me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Dangers of Co-sleeping

I bet you read the title and thought this post was going to be some rant against co-sleeping with me spouting statistics about mothers rolling over and smothering their babies, or something. Truth is, I know many a mother who co-sleep. None have rolled over and smothered their baby and all are quite happy and healthy.

In fact, if anything, this post is the opposite. I have been quite careful about not sleeping with my babies. Mostly because I would like it. A lot. I would like it a lot until I wanted to sleep with my husband again and at which point I am certain the babies would not appreciate my departure. As much as I want to sleep with my babies, I am not willing to deal with the consequences of breaking that habit.

But this weekend, all the babies (and one husband) fell a little ill. And for one short, little half hour, my lil ASA fell asleep on me while we were playing on my bed. It was the sweetest, most delicious half hour in the history of ever. I got to lay there and smell his baby head and listen to him breathe and think how wonderful the feeling was.

Then my arm fell asleep and we both got really hot and a little sweating. At which point his head didn't smell quite as sweet and I thought I am ok not sleeping with my babies.

But the 30 minute nap sure was divine!