Thursday, December 22, 2011

I am sure I do not know what I was thinking when I decided to return to work after maternity leave just a few short weeks before Christmas. I clearly did not consider how this decision would contribute to making an already hectic time even more challenging.

Right before I went back to work, I had ambitious plans to get all our Christmas cards personalized and addressed. This plan was thwarted when I realized that the cards we had bought required an assembly line. They needed a photo attached to the front.... WHAT? Seriously? What was I thinking?

There was some sense of relief when I remembered that I had scheduled a private photo shoot for the boys with Santa. So, at least there'd be a decent photo. Of course, this also tossed us into the category of people-who-send-Christmas-cards-with-photos-of-only-their-kids; but that is a topic worthy of a post unto itself.

So last Friday, I was able to pick up the disc with photos. I spent much of the following day having photos printed and working on the Christmas Card Assembly Line. This was the most labor intense Christmas card in the history of ever!

Seriously, there was the affixing of the photo perfectly, and the stamping of the address, and the sealing of the envelope, and the placement of the envelop seal, and the addressing of the envelope and lather, rinse, repeat. Over and over and over again.

I was about two boxes in when I realized that WHOOOPS, uh, I had forgotten to write anything in some of the cards. No signature, no Merry Christmas, not even a good luck in 2012.

That's right friends, I skeedadled right on past mistake and slammed head first into CHRISTMAS FAUX PAS.

If you are on our Christmas list and you get a card with a pretty return address stamp, a perfectly placed gold seal and two pajama clad kiddos hanging with Santa. Its from us and I wish you a merry Christmas and a faux pas free new year!

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