Friday, December 3, 2010

Infant-Directed Speech (in other words, Baby Talk)

Before MRA made his debut, I did not spend too much time around children or with parents. We have friends with kids but they live far away and we only see them from time to time so seeing their kids was a treat and not in the same category as having to deal with a screaming, snot-nosed, bugger eating bambino at the next table during date night.

One thing that especially annoyed me was the baby talk. I mean, really, why did  parents have to change their voice and get all squeaky and make sounds that were not only not words but barely, actually, count as syllables.

Children are just little versions of adults so why not teach them from the start how to have a real conversation. Shouldn't parents be modeling this behavior?

And, then, then came my very own squeaky, babbling and oh-so-adorable-no-matter-what bambino.  What I have found is that when he babbles and we babble back at him, he is happy. He is encouraged. And, he thinks it is fun to "communicate".

So, yes, now I have found both myself and Jonathan babbling away. Really though, its mostly Jonathan. We went through a whole stage where Jonathan and MRA would say boooooo-RAT back and forth for minutes on end. It ended with both of them laughing.

And then there was the stage where MRA would run his hand back and forth over his mouth to change up the sound he was making. Jonathan did that too. It kinda sounded like adeladle which was one of my favorite words after taking an anthropology course in college.

I can't blame either of them. Adeladle is just fun to say.

I don't (think) do too much of the babbling BUT I have noticed my voice changes AND I call my my little butter bean all kinds of ridiculous things including my little nutter butter.

But who could really help it? He is so stinking cute, I just want to sop him up with a biscuit!

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