Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A theme song for the double digits!

Well and wow, we have made it to ten months. That means double digits. What else does it mean?

Let's see, MRA points to objects and the direction on which he wants you to take him. He has decided he is done with crawling and terrorizing Cooper and taken up walking. Actually, its assisted walking. He cannot quite walk on his own so he just wants to grab YOUR hands and have YOU walk him wherever HE wants to go. (Not a bad gig, if you can get it.)

He is honing his grooming skills. If you brush his hair, he will take the brush and try to do it himself. Same with the toothbrush and he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the toothbrush. As soon as it comes out, he opens wide and cranes his little neck toward you.

Jonathan said he has figured out that the remote control operates the TV but I have not seen that happen yet. I guess we need to close the armoire doors more often.

Now, I don't know about you, but I have a theme song. Eileen gave me the idea - she has a theme song too. It's the theme to Rocky (mine, not hers - not sure what hers is) but I sometimes alternate it with Eye Of the Tiger. I know, not necessarily original but it works.  I tend to listen to it before big events or when I am nervous like before a job interview or a big work presentation.

Its never failed me. I have gotten every job and done well with every presentation after listening to my theme song. In fact, I am pretty sure I "leant" my theme song to Jonathan for his last job interview... that was six years ago. I highly recommend the theme song.

It has taken ten months but we officially have MRA's theme song . Here is a little sample of the lyrics and a clip that follows:

Busy Bee by Frances England

Last night about a quarter to eight, you came into my room
You said, “Honey, it’s getting late, it’s getting late.”
I said, oh no Momma this cannot be,
I got too many things to do before I sleep, before I sleep
I got songs to sing and stories to tell,
I got animals to talk to, make sure they’re doing well, before I sleep

Don’t you know I’m busy, busy, busy as a bee
Don’t you know I’m busy, busy, busy as a bee
No sleep for me

Just curious, any of you out there have a theme song? If so, what is it?

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