Friday, September 24, 2010

Just the facts, m'am

Last night, my thankfully very reasonable husband told me that I could not draw any conclusions. He DID NOT, however, say that my blog readers could not draw conclusions.

So, here are the (mostly) relevant facts.

About a month ago, we mistakenly bought a tub of the Similac Soy Go and Grow formula as opposed to the regular Similac soy stuff. Soon thereafter, MRA did not so much go and grow as much as he went and went. Diarrhea, that is.

Unfortunately, this occurred right before we were to leave for Denver and after the hospital thing,we are a little diarrhea shy. There was some talk of canceling the trip.

After a few days, we decided to switch back to the formula he is used to and the issue seemed to slowly start to get better. Veeeerrrrrry slowly.

On the way out to Denver, MRA went and went - once at the airport and three more times on the flight. Now, having a baby with this issue on an airplane is not fun for anyone. Its not fun for me, who was doing most of the holding of the baby. Not fun for Jonathan who has to get access to and then rifle through our impossible to get to securely stowed carry on baggage/diaper bag.

Its not fun for the guy in the aisle seat that has to get up every time we need to get out. Its not fun for the already unlucky passenger who got seated in the very last row with the seat that won't recline right next to the lavatory that we have to stand next to in all our stinky glory while waiting for the lavatory to be unoccupied.

Its not fun (for me and even less so for Jonathan who is already cramped in the lavatory when he is all by himself let alone with baby) changing a squirmy baby in a airplane lavatory nor for the person who will be using it after we are done.

But we got through it and as the new/old formula got into his system the diarrhea stopped.

Fast forward to last night.

Those of you with babies or who watch the news probably heard that there is a huge Similac recall. It seems that the people that make Similac "...detected the remote possibility of the presence of a small common beetle in the product produced in one production area in a single manufacturing facility. The ...FDA has determined that while the formula containing these beetles poses no immediate health risk, there is a possibility that infants who consume formula containing the beetles or their larvae, could experience symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort."

Upon hearing about the Similac recall, I start checking the formula that we are currently using. Luckily, no recall. I then decide to check that old tub of Go and Go Grow. And... voila! Its lot number matches for a recall. It is one of the affected products.

Again, I cannot draw any conclusions but, you can. What's your theory?

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH! I heard about the recall but didn't read details. Whether or not it's the cause of his diarrhea, there might've been a beetle or beetle larvae in his formula! Which just makes me want to vomit.

    And that's all I really can say about that.
