Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Delayed Response

Most of you know that MRA just served a stint in the hospital after contracting some sort of virus. We sprung him last Wednsday and he is back to his former glory and then some. Since then, time for this blog has been limited. Here are just a few snipets of things that have crossed my mind during the last week and a half.

Hosptials are dirty - One would think that a hospital would be clean and sterile but one would be grossly mistaken.

There are no healthy food options in a hosptial - One would also think that trying to get something such as a piece of fish and some steamed veggies while trapped in a hospital with your sick 9 month old would not be an extraordinary request. On this instance, you have scampered right on past mistake and slammed head first into faux pas.  Doesn't it seem odd that a hospital, a place that is supposed to get you back to healthy, wouldn't have healthy food options? Which makes me think its a conspiracy and that they want people to remain in or return to the hospital - its probably part of their business plan.

It's impossible to get a good night of sleep in a hospital even if you are not the one sick.

Having his dominate arm/hand rendered nearly useless by an IV will not stop MRA from pulling all the tissues out of a box.

Being thrown up on really sucks. Being crapped on sucks more. Being diarrhea-ed on sucks even more than that. Being thrown up on and diarrhea-ed on in one day makes me a little angry. Being told afterward "Welcome to motherhood!" almost got Jonathan killed. Especially when this is, apparently, what fatherhood looked like... 

Yes, Jonathan left the hospital unscathed by vomit or explosive diarrhea.

And, I will leave you with this. In a crisis situation, I discovered that I am pretty darn good. I remain pretty calm, thoughtful, and can make decent decisions based on the information at hand. The stress doesn't bother me. It's after the crisis, in the lull of peace, when the full force of the afore mentioned crisis hits me that I lose it.

Moral of the story, if aliens invade the earth and attempt to destroy civilization, you can count on me to kick some butt and get you to safety. Just don't expect me to re-build your house when its over.  


  1. Oh, my goodness! I missed this post. Poor little guy and poor you! You are right about all the hospital things. I'm glad he's back to his glory.

  2. Lemon Gloria - Thanks for the well wishes. I am so glad that we are out of there. Hope you are enjoying LA is much as you can without your little man!
