Friday, March 29, 2013

A National Airport and other such things

I was gone. To DC, well actually Northern Virginia, for several days. And Anderson came with me. It was a whirl wind of a trip and I regret that I did not get to see several friends or do some things I had wanted to - like more shopping. Although Jonathan is happy about the shopping part - the not shopping, actually.

I did get to see my great friend Christie. I miss her and love our conversations. Our babies played and napped and we talked and drank mimosas and I didn't want to leave.

I flew in and out of National. I know it is called Reagan Airport now, but having lived near there in the ye olde days, it is still National to me. And, quite honestly, no one has ever been confused by me calling it National Airport.

Dulles might be my favorite airport for architecture but National takes the prize for setting. Every. Time. I love looking out the window and seeing the D.C.'s grid. I like picking out monuments and memorable places. I have come in to land over the river which is both thrilling and frightening. I love taxi-ing down the runaway with a view of the Capital's dome and then seeing the rectilinear shape of the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. I remember as a kid calling it the big pencil. I wonder what my children will call it.

And every time I leave, I want to go back. I never have enough time.

And for those of you who only want news of the Notorious variety, last night, after my shower, I was tucking MRA into bed. Here is how the conversation went down:

MRA: Mama, let me smell you.
Me: Leaning in so he can smell my shoulder.
Him: Hhhhhmmmmmm, you smell good, just the way I like it. I missed you.

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