Monday, September 10, 2012

Who ME?

Yes me. I am, apparently, that mom. But then if I didn't embarass myself in public from time to time, there would be a lot less to blog about.

In the latest chapter of, "No You Did Not!" which could also easily be called "Doesn't Your Mama-ness Have A Filter?", I took MRA to his first non-survival swimming lesson. These lessons are at a local YMCA, which, might I add, has an incredible swim team that is competitive at the national level. So clearly, thier instructors have NO idea what they are doing, right?

Now, we just came off a vacation where MRA astounded the parents in the pool of our hotel with his aquatic abilities. We repeatedly received compliments especially after people found out that he is merely been on this planet two and a half years.

See, mad skills:

So I show up at the pool with quite a bit of swagger. I was expecting some oohs and aaahs. I got none.

The instructers took MRA back to a very basic level. I mean basic like sit on the step and put your chin in the water because some kids are scared to put their heads in the water - basic.

After some time, they progressed to making him "swim" holding onto a barbell. Of course, he "swam like a dog with his head up because, well, what else do you do with a bar bell in a pool.

It was about this time that I may have walked over and mentioned that MRA can put his head under water and will swim to you if you stand back.

I was told they were trying to teach him proper form.

And I sat back down.

Then, I had to endure them trying to teach him how to float on his back holding the dumbell across his chest. Of course, he kept trying to sit up because who floats with a dumbell across their bodies. Oh, I was squirming and pacing and mumbling and thinking of what I was going to say to those instructors to get them to JUST STAND BACK AND LET MY KID SWIIIIIIMMMMM like the fish he is.

So, after the lesson, I dressed MRA and then I MAY have made those instructors watch vacation videos of MRA swimming on my phone. And the whole time, I was thinking, "Oh My God, you are so totally THAT mom."

I'm not proud. I made my husband take MRA to class the following week. 

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