Friday, April 30, 2010

An Open Letter to Dr. Ferber

Dear Dr. Ferber,

I think I love you. My husband and I have been employing your controversial fabulous methods for sleep training our infant for the past week. The first night was hard, no - not just hard, but nearly impossible. None of us slept. Listening to the crying  ALL NIGHT LONG was heartbreaking but we kept to the schedule. We did not break - even at 3 a.m.. We somehow got through it. The next night was better and so was the next.

Now, it has been a week and the Notorious MRA is nearly sleeping though the night! I say nearly - what I mean is, he still gets up and fusses but he usually settles himself and falls back to sleep without us having to go in his room. Every once in a while, though, we will have to go in but even on these occasions, we merely hand him his favorite bear and walk out. Of course, Jonathan and I both still wake up periodically and check the video monitor to make sure he is alright make us feel better.

Dr. Ferber, you have given us our nights back. We are all so much happier, so much more alert, so much less likely to snap at any given moment. It may take some time for us to catch up on more than 5 months of sleep deprivation but I think we are on our way.

Fate has a funny way of kicking my ass so I am not going to say we are in the clear just yet but we are hopeful, so hopeful.


Thursday, April 29, 2010


So, last night Jonathan and I watched an episode of Parenthood. In this particular episode, the wayward son tells his parents that he is the father of a 5 year old boy and that the mother is a dancer. He elaborates by saying that she is not the kind of dancer that dances with poles rather a ballerina.

Well, Jonathan thought he said that she DID dance with a pole and thus turns to me and says," If Morgan ever comes home and says that to me, I am going to break a plate over my head!"  Which led me to thinking about travelling through Greece where I did have a plate broken over my head and how funny it would be if every time Morgan did something we did not like, Jonathan grabbed a plate and broke it on his head.

Anyone know where I can buy a box of those plates... or maybe two?   OPA!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why the Notorious MRA

Some of you may be wondering why we call our little Morgan Ross the Notorious MRA. The answer is quite simple. Please see the following photos...

The Notorious B.I. G. v The Notorious MRA.

Happy Hump Day everyone!

Hitting the Blog-o-shpere

So here we are. I have jumped on the bandwagon and created my very own blog. Prior to the arrival of the Notorious MRA, I could not for the life of me think what on earth I would blog about. However, in recent months, I have spent much time sending different emails to different people covering much the same info - the life and times of MRA and how Jonathan and I are adjusting.

Well, I can't speak for Jonathan but I can fill everyone in on the rest and what more perfect a place to do so than A BLOG!

I hope everyone will bear with me as I discover the tools of blogging and with a little luck we will be up and running in no time with more MRA stories than one could ever imagine!