Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day, I think!

When I was young, I spent a lot of Valentine's Days feeling sorry for myself because I did not have a Valentine. At some point, in the years right before meeting my husband, I realized that I really didn't want some one to do nice things for me and tell me that they loved me because they had to. What I wanted was some one who did those things because they wanted to.

Then came Jonathan. He did nice things for me a lot and on days that weren't Valentine's Days. So it was easy to be smug and dismiss Valentine's Day as a commercial holiday that I-in-no-way-wanted-to-participate-in SO. Help. Me. GOD!

I spent the next few Valentine's Days rejoicing in not participating and in some ways nearly boycotting the day. I silently snickered at the people complaining that they could not get a Valentine's Day reservation because, HA, I didn't need one. After all, my husband did nice things for me because it was Thursday and he loved me.

Then, a few years ago, we had kids - you know, the biggest game changer in the history of ever. Just how big a game changer? Well, things haven't stopped changing, including my thoughts on Valentine's Day.

Now, the big V-day is here along with all the chocolate and perforated cut out cards and roses that don't get bought the other 50 weeks of the year. It's Valentine's Day and, I wonder, "What message do I want to send to my children?"

I want them to know that they are loved EVERY day and I strive for that. I want them to do nice things for their friends and classmates anytime because they are nice people - not because its a day your supposed to be nice. Of course, I also don't want to be the only mom not sending Valentines to my children's class party - even if one of them is only 18 months old and the idea of sending Valentines is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS!

I still would prefer that my husband do nice things for me simply because he loves me and its Thursday. But, shizzle, Thursday is the morning that MRA has piano lessons so we are separating and dropping the children off to school at different times and leaving extra early to do so. (READ: We are starting the day earlier than normal which is always harder than normal and makes us both TIRED.)

And I can't leave work early, so I will be missing their class parties but I am thankful that my husband will be there to represent.

At home, we have some special Valentines for the children. Because, I have realized, love is not a bad message to send to children.

But what does it now mean for me? Once we get home and calm the CRAZY that is inevitably our children after class parties full of sugar, I may not exactly feel like being nice... or even talking, really. I mean can't we love each other tomorrow night, when we don't have to wake to a 5:45 alarm the next morning.

This morning, though, my wonderful girlfriend, Elizabeth, posted this message:

It always baffles me how on Valentine's Day so many people proudly proclaim that they don't believe in Valentine's Day and refuse to celebrate it, yet they celebrate Halloween with such fervor. "Ghouls and witches, I drink to them, but simple beautiful natural love, no thank you!" Why anyone would turn down an excuse to drink champagne with their beloved I'll never understand.

Hmmm, well, I have to admit, she has a point. And besides, tomorrow night is pizza Friday with MRA.

I hope you all have much love in your lives today and every day. And I just might stop for some champagne on my way home!


  1. Very, very sweet. I'm so glad you have a wonderful husband and kids. It is hard once kids come along and you have no time for the two of you. And it is so important to show that love is really what it's all about. And, I love this picture!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Aww, thanks Lisa! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Valentine's Day too!
