Thursday, October 18, 2012

When Its Over, Its Really Over

Sometimes it feels like we have been potty training MRA FOREVER. He has the pee thing down fairly well but the poop thing is still hit or miss. There are days at a time where he uses the potty followed by what seems like weeks at a time of cleaning out poopy underwear.

The other day, though, we had a successful potty experience and decided to reward MRA with a trip to Chick-Fil-A after school. Sadly, one there, the playground was closed and Chubalicious wasn't cooperating.

Jonathan decided to take Chubalicious home leaving me with the Notorious MRA. I tried to make it fun. I told him we were on a date. This is how it went:

Me: Its like a date. An MRA and Mama date!

MRA: A date?!

Me: Yes, a date. When we leave, you are going to have to open the door for me.

MRA: I can open the door.

ME: You should open the car door too. That's what gentleman do on dates.

MRA takes two bites of his sandwich and crawls under the table and out of the booth and begins goofing off in the aisle.

ME: What are you doing?

MRA: Dates over!

I guess I pushed it too far with the car door?

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