I have a pet peeve. It is a fairly recent peeve. One that arrived shortly after the onset of motherhood. I have told no one of this peeve because it seems so trivial but today... today, I have reached my limits.
For those of you that are moms, you know that there are numerous things that you give up after becoming a mother. And, I feel that I have handled many of these things fairly well.
1. I cannot remember what it is like to eat without a person sitting on me.
2. I have taken the attitude that my clothes are much more interesting with cheese, pudding, and/or ketchup all over them. This a direct result of #1 above.
3. I don't need styling products for my hair anymore as I only get to wash it two or three times a week and inevitably those are the days that ASA spits up, almost always in my hair. Who knew that spit up was better than Bumble and Bumble and FREE, no less.
4. I regularly walk around wearing only one slipper because Cooper, in an effort for more attention, takes the other slipper and usually sits on the stairs with it hanging out of his mouth, taunting me, as if to say, "Come and get it - I dare you - and as soon as you make a move toward me, I'm gonna bolt." Its easier just to walk around with one slipper.
5. My house used to be clean, no, actually immaculate. Now, hahahaha.
6. These days, any reference to being dirty in the bedroom refers to the fact that there are usually several dirty diapers on the bed or dresser (and not because I left them there) as well as chocolate milk stains on the pillows and maybe some muffin crumbs in between the sheets -thank you MRA. But all this is ok because now clean sheet night is so exciting it is almost a reason to open a bottle of wine.
But I have my limits and they start with the dishwasher.
You see, there is a little shelf on the top rack that folds up and down. Before having children, I did not know what to do with the rack. But, then again, before children we probably ran the dishwasher one a week - tops.
After said children arrived, I discovered that the little shelf was perfect for holding bottle parts, random toys, little bowls and all those little things that we now wash. The problem is that no one else has figured out that if you put short things on that side of the dishwasher you can use the shelf. So I find myself re-organizing the dirty dishes in the dishwasher - moving the little pieces and parts and short things from one side to the other to maximize space.
Why am I the only one that gets this?
It may be trivial but it sure is annoying.
My house has never, ever been immaculate. Nick's was before he met me. Now it typically looks like a tornado hit a toy store. Also, the dishwasher thing...I feel like I do the best job, and I'm constantly rearranging. But I never manage to use that double shelf thing.